Our Mission

“Physiotherapy That Puts You In Control”

Individuality • Empowerment • Improvement • Sustainability

We entered the profession to help people who are in pain and to improve quality of life from a health perspective. Our mission at Formotion Physio is to do this, but to give you the tools to have control over these things yourself, and empower you to make long term sustainable changes.

We do this by focusing on what you need as an individual; physically, psychologically and socially, by taking the time to listen and get to know you. We ensure that we explain and teach you the why and how in staying healthy long after you’ve graduated from your Physio sessions.

Our methods are founded in modern evidence based practice. To align with this our assessments search for the cause of the issue, and our treatment methods are highly exercise and education based, which requires a level of conscious commitment from you, but ultimately is what gives you the control over your progress and improvement.

We look forward to working with and helping you achieve your goals!