Physio For CrossFit

We know the difference between a push press and a push jerk, we get what you mean when you say you’ve been chicken winging your muscle up and how hard an overhead squat feels when your shoulders are tight. We understand that you want to keep training when you are injured, we also understand, and get excited that you want to get better, but also be better at the sport.

The assessment and rehabilitation of injuries that can arise from all CrossFit related movements is one of our main focuses at Formotion Physio. We work with CrossFit athletes from all around Perth every day, and make sure that we also practise and understand the movements ourselves!

Our West Perth clinic is based inside Inner City Fitness, home to Inner City CrossFit, and our Osborne Park clinic is based inside Range of Motion which allows us to have access to the equipment needed to assess you properly. If you are getting pain when your snatch gets heavy we make sure to look at you doing a heavy snatch!

We can help you with everything from early stage injury rehabilitation, right through to improving your performance in your training or competitions.

Some of the specific areas we are highly experienced in managing are:

  • How to keep training while injured and return to training safely after injury

  • How to safely return to training with CrossFit specific advice

  • Technique and mobility for Olympic Lifting and Powerlifting

  • Technique and mobility for CrossFit Gymnastics

  • Advice on managing loads for high volume and high intensity training

  • Women’s and Men’s Health issues related to CrossFit (e.g. leaking with double unders or heavy lifting

  • Communicating with coaches and trainers about your conditions and what you can and can’t do.

To book an appointment you can give us a call, email or book online via the button below.

If you are still unsure you can request a no obligation callback from one of our physiotherapists and we can chat about how we can help and decide whether we are the right fit for you!