Stretch Series for Tight Lower Backs and Hip Flexors.

Hip Flexor and quad stretch Formotion Physio

How to stretch your tight lower back and hip flexors

Your quadratus lumborum (QL), obliques, and hip flexors often get tight if you have been doing any heavy lifting, running or sitting for long periods. They can also be quite tricky to find good stretches for!

This series are a few of our favourites and cover all 3 of those areas.

Give them a go and let us know how they feel, but please remember that not all pain and injury is because of tightness. Sometimes the tightness that you feel is because of injury or weakness and is a protective mechanism that your body is using to keep you safe!

Stretching during these times might not be helpful so if this is the case rather get in touch with us before trying these!


A stretch series for quadratus lumborum, obliques ad hip flexors. Good for tightness after heavy lifting, sprinting or sitting all day! Please take care with...